
What to Expect at BSidesLV: A Deep Dive

Prepare for BSidesLV 2024 with our detailed preview. Discover key speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities at this must-attend cybersecurity event.
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TL;DR - BSidesLV 2024, held on August 6-7, offers a range of speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities for cybersecurity professionals. Plan ahead and engage actively to make the most of this event.

BSidesLV 2024 promises to be a cornerstone event for cybersecurity professionals, offering an array of speakers, workshops, and interactive sessions. This guide provides a detailed preview of what attendees can expect, ensuring you make the most of this must-attend conference.

Overview of BSidesLV

BSidesLV is a community-driven event designed to provide an open platform for sharing and learning in the information security sector. Held on August 6-7, 2024, BSidesLV has grown from its grassroots beginnings to become a key fixture in the cybersecurity calendar.

Key Themes and Values

  • Community Engagement: Fostering a collaborative environment for sharing knowledge and experiences.
  • Innovation: Highlighting cutting-edge research and technologies.
  • Accessibility: Offering opportunities for all levels of professionals to participate and learn.

Highlighted Speakers

BSidesLV attracts some of the brightest minds in cybersecurity. This year’s lineup includes:

  • Alice White: A leading researcher in ethical hacking, discussing new vulnerabilities and defense mechanisms.
  • Bob Johnson: An expert in cyber law, providing insights into the latest legal developments affecting cybersecurity.
  • Clara Kim: A pioneer in AI security, exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and cyber threats.

Must-Attend Workshops

BSidesLV  features a variety of workshops designed to enhance your skills and knowledge:

  • Ethical Hacking 101: An introductory workshop for those new to hacking, covering fundamental techniques and tools.
  • Advanced Threat Hunting: A deep dive into advanced methodologies for detecting and mitigating cyber threats.
  • Cloud Security Best Practices: Exploring strategies to secure cloud environments and prevent data breaches.


New to BSidesLV, SkyTalks will be hosted on the 17th floor of the Platinum Hotel. These sessions are known for their raw, unfiltered content, providing a space for discussions that might not fit the traditional conference mold.

Networking Opportunities

Networking is a critical component of BSidesLV, with numerous opportunities to connect with peers and industry leaders:

  • Welcome Reception: Kick off the conference by meeting fellow attendees in a relaxed setting.
  • Booth Crawl: Explore the latest products and services from leading cybersecurity vendors while mingling with other professionals.
  • After Hours Socials: Unwind and continue discussions at various social events throughout the conference.

Making the Most of BSidesLV

To fully leverage your BSidesLV experience:

  • Plan Ahead: Review the agenda and select sessions and workshops that align with your interests and professional goals.
  • Engage Actively: Participate in Q&A sessions, join discussions, and connect with speakers and attendees.
  • Follow Up: Stay in touch with new contacts via LinkedIn and other professional networks.

BSidesLV  offers a unique blend of education, innovation, and community. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned professional, this conference provides valuable opportunities to learn, share, and grow in the cybersecurity field.


1. What is BSidesLV?

  • BSidesLV is a community-driven cybersecurity conference held on August 6-7, 2024.

2. Who are some of the key speakers?

  • Alice White, Bob Johnson, and Clara Kim are among the featured speakers.

3. What types of workshops are available?

  • Workshops range from Ethical Hacking 101 to Advanced Threat Hunting and Cloud Security Best Practices.

4. What is SkyTalks?

  • SkyTalks are unfiltered sessions held at the Platinum Hotel, offering unique and raw discussions.

5. How can I maximize my experience at BSidesLV?

  • Plan your schedule, engage in sessions, and follow up with new contacts.
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