Best Practices

The Urgency of Patching Splunk Vulnerabilities: A Comprehensive Overview

Discover the critical vulnerabilities in Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud Platform—CVE-2024-29945 and CVE-2024-29946. Learn about the risks, implications of the Cisco-Splunk deal, and essential mitigation steps to protect your organization.
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TL;DR - Splunk Inc. disclosed two high-severity vulnerabilities—CVE-2024-29945 and CVE-2024-29946—posing significant risks to Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud Platform users. Amidst Cisco's acquisition of Splunk, these vulnerabilities highlight the urgent need for organizations to patch their systems, disable debug modes, and adhere to Splunk's recommended mitigation strategies to ensure data security and compliance.

Splunk Inc., a leader in the cybersecurity and operational intelligence arena, recently issued alerts about two critical vulnerabilities within its platform that pose a significant threat to organizations utilizing Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud Platform. Identified as CVE-2024-29945 and CVE-2024-29946, these vulnerabilities underscore the importance of immediate action by users to mitigate potential risks.

Vulnerability Breakdown:

  • CVE-2024-29945 (CVSS score: 7.2, High): This flaw can expose authentication tokens during token validation under specific conditions, such as when running in debug mode or logging at the DEBUG level. This exposure risks unauthorized data access, requiring users to disable debug mode and rotate any exposed tokens as preventive measures.
  • CVE-2024-29946 (CVSS score: 8.1, High): This vulnerability exists within the Dashboard Examples Hub of the Splunk Dashboard Studio app, lacking protections against risky SPL commands. This could allow attackers to execute commands with elevated privileges, necessitating upgrades to protected versions or disabling the affected app for safety.

Implications of the Cisco-Splunk Acquisition:

The revelation of these vulnerabilities arrives on the heels of Cisco's acquisition of Splunk, a $28 billion deal signaling significant market shifts. This merger brings together two tech behemoths, aiming to leverage their combined strengths to enhance cybersecurity offerings further.

Mitigation and Recommendations:

Splunk has promptly responded by releasing patches for the affected versions and offering mitigation strategies for those unable to upgrade immediately. For CVE-2024-29945, disabling debug mode and rotating exposed tokens are recommended. For CVE-2024-29946, upgrading to fixed versions or disabling the Dashboard Examples Hub if unused is advised. Additionally, turning off Splunk Web serves as a potential workaround.

The Critical Nature of Timely Updates:

These vulnerabilities highlight the critical importance of keeping software up-to-date and adhering to best security practices. Organizations utilizing Splunk are strongly urged to review their systems, apply necessary patches, and adhere to the recommended mitigation strategies to safeguard their data and infrastructure against potential threats.


  • What are the specific versions affected by these vulnerabilities?
    • CVE-2024-29945 affects Splunk Enterprise versions below 9.2.1, 9.1.4, and 9.0.9. CVE-2024-29946 impacts both Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud Platform versions below specific thresholds.
  • How do these vulnerabilities impact organizations using Splunk?
    • These flaws could potentially allow unauthorized access to sensitive data and enable attackers to bypass security measures, posing significant risks to data integrity and organizational security.
  • What steps should organizations take to mitigate these risks?
    • Organizations should apply the provided patches immediately, disable debug mode, rotate exposed tokens, and consider disabling or upgrading affected apps as per Splunk's recommendations.
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