Best Practices

The Hidden Risks of OAuth Tokens and Third-Party Apps in SaaS Security

Protect your SaaS data from hidden dangers! Learn about the risks of OAuth tokens and third-party apps and discover how to secure your integrations.
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What are OAuth tokens and third-party apps?

OAuth tokens are digital keys that grant third-party applications access to a user's data in a specific SaaS application. These tokens allow for seamless integration and collaboration between different platforms, eliminating the need for users to share their login credentials directly with each other.

Third-party apps are software applications developed by independent vendors that integrate with SaaS platforms to provide additional functionality or services. These apps range from productivity tools and marketing automation platforms to social media integrations and analytics dashboards.

How are they used in SaaS?

OAuth tokens play a crucial role in facilitating secure and convenient integrations between SaaS applications. When a user authorizes a third-party app, the app receives a unique OAuth token that allows it to access specific data within the user's account. This eliminates the need for the app to store or handle user credentials directly, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

Why are they a security risk?

While OAuth provides a valuable mechanism for integration, it also introduces potential security risks. These risks arise from vulnerabilities associated with token management, unvetted third-party apps, and lack of visibility and control over app integrations.

The Problem with OAuth Tokens

Short-lived vs. long-lived tokens

OAuth tokens can be categorized into two types: short-lived and long-lived. Short-lived tokens expire quickly, typically within minutes or hours, and are designed for one-time actions. Long-lived tokens, on the other hand, can remain valid for months or even years, allowing for continuous access to data. While long-lived tokens offer convenience, they also pose a greater security risk if compromised.

Lack of granular permissions

Many OAuth implementations grant third-party apps access to vast amounts of data, often exceeding the minimum required for the intended functionality. This lack of granular permissions creates a larger attack surface and increases the potential for data breaches if an app is compromised.

Weak token security practices

Insufficient security practices around token storage and management can leave them vulnerable to theft or misuse. Examples include storing tokens in plain text, using weak encryption algorithms, or failing to regularly rotate tokens.

Insecure refresh token storage

Refresh tokens are used to obtain new access tokens when the current one expires. However, insecure storage practices, such as storing refresh tokens in browser cookies or local storage, can expose them to malware or phishing attacks.

The Risks of Third-Party Apps

Unvetted and malicious apps

Not all third-party apps are created equal. Malicious apps can be disguised as legitimate tools to deceive users into granting access to sensitive data. These apps can then exfiltrate data, spread malware, or disrupt service within the SaaS platform.

Data leakage through authorized apps

Even seemingly legitimate apps can inadvertently expose data through insecure coding practices, data breaches within the app itself, or unauthorized access by app developers.

Shadow IT and unauthorized integrations

Many organizations struggle with shadow IT, where employees use unauthorized third-party apps without IT's knowledge or approval. These unauthorized integrations create blind spots in the security landscape and increase the risk of data breaches.

Lack of visibility and control over app access

Many organizations lack adequate visibility and control over app access within their SaaS environment. This can make it difficult to identify and revoke access to unused or malicious apps, leaving sensitive data vulnerable.

Mitigation Strategies

Implementing Strong Token Management Practices

Organizations can significantly reduce the risk of OAuth token misuse by implementing strong token management practices. These include:

  • Using short-lived tokens whenever possible.
  • Rotating tokens regularly.
  • Storing tokens securely using encryption and access controls.
  • Revoking access tokens immediately when no longer needed.

Enforcing Granular Access Controls for Third-Party Apps

Granting third-party apps only the minimum amount of data access required for their intended functionality is crucial. Organizations can achieve this by:

  • Implementing OAuth scopes to define granular permissions.
  • Reviewing app permissions carefully before granting access.
  • Disabling unnecessary app features.

Monitoring and Managing All App Integrations

Maintaining clear visibility and control over all app integrations is essential for maintaining a secure SaaS environment. Organizations should:

  • Regularly audit and review all authorized apps.
  • Identify and disable unused or suspicious apps.
  • Implement user training and awareness programs to educate employees about the risks of using unauthorized apps.

Educating Users about the Risks

Educating employees about the risks associated with OAuth tokens and third-party apps is crucial for promoting security awareness and preventing social engineering attacks. Organizations should provide training on:

  • How to identify legitimate apps.
  • The dangers of sharing login credentials.
  • How to report suspicious activity.

Best Practices for Secure SaaS Integration

Choosing Reputable and Trustworthy Apps

Before integrating any third-party app, organizations should thoroughly research the app's developer, reviews, security practices, and data privacy policies. Prioritizing industry-recognized brands and apps with a proven track record of security can significantly reduce risk.

Using OAuth 2.0 with PKCE

OAuth 2.0 with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is a secure extension to the OAuth protocol that mitigates the risk of authorization code interception attacks. Implementing PKCE strengthens the security of your OAuth integrations.

Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide additional verification factors beyond their password. This makes it significantly harder for attackers to gain unauthorized access to accounts, even if they obtain an OAuth token.

Regularly Reviewing and Revoking App Access

Organizations should regularly review all authorized apps and revoke access to those that are no longer needed. This helps to reduce the attack surface and prevent data breaches caused by unused or compromised apps.


The convenience and functionality offered by OAuth tokens and third-party app integrations come at the cost of potential security risks. By understanding these risks and implementing the mitigation strategies outlined in this blog post, organizations can proactively secure their SaaS environment and protect their valuable data.

The future of SaaS security lies in adopting a comprehensive approach that combines robust technical controls, user awareness training, and continuous monitoring and improvement. By prioritizing security throughout the entire SaaS ecosystem, organizations can ensure a safer and more resilient digital environment for all users.


1. What are the common signs of a compromised OAuth token?

Unusual login activity, changes in account settings, and unauthorized access to data are key indicators of a compromised OAuth token.

2. What should I do if I suspect my OAuth token has been compromised?

Immediately revoke access to the compromised token and change your account password. Additionally, report the incident to the security team of both the SaaS provider and the third-party app.

3. How can I protect my data from unauthorized access by third-party apps?

Review app permissions carefully before granting access, enable MFA, and avoid using unauthorized or suspicious apps only use authorized apps from trusted vendors. By following these best practices, you can minimize the risk of unauthorized access and keep your data safe.

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