Best Practices

The Hidden Dangers of SaaS: Understanding and Mitigating Security Risks

Learn about the hidden dangers of SaaS security risks and how to mitigate them effectively. Discover strategies to enhance visibility and control within your organization.
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TL;DR - SaaS applications present significant security risks due to unmanaged apps, compromised credentials, and inadequate offboarding processes. Understanding these risks and implementing proactive measures, such as continuous monitoring and proper offboarding, can help safeguard your organization’s data.

The adoption of software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications has skyrocketed in recent years, becoming a staple in business operations. However, this widespread use comes with significant security risks. IT teams often struggle with incomplete visibility into all the SaaS tools utilized within their organizations, leading to potential vulnerabilities. This article delves into the toxic combinations driving these risks and offers strategies for mitigating them effectively.

Understanding SaaS Security Risks

SaaS security risks emerge from the intersection of identity and access management, user behavior, and business context. Each component, when considered individually, is manageable. However, their combination can lead to severe security issues such as compliance violations, data breaches, brand damage, and financial loss.

Factors Contributing to SaaS Security Risks

The Proliferation of SaaS Apps:

Organizations use multiple SaaS applications like Slack, Dropbox, and Zoom to enhance efficiency. However, users often input sensitive data into these apps, which may not be managed or endorsed by IT. Unmanaged SaaS apps can surpass managed ones by up to four times, increasing security risks.

The Danger of Compromised Credentials:

Employees might use the same credentials across different applications, including those with administrative privileges. If these credentials are compromised, it can lead to significant security issues. For example, if an employee uses their enterprise credentials for a third-party app and these credentials are stolen, it can cause massive security problems.

Rogue Administrators and Shadow Identities:

Rogue administrators, compromised accounts, and shadow identities (identities unknown to IT) can open an organization to significant security risks. Additionally, the lack of multi-factor authentication (MFA) and the use of risky or shared credentials exacerbate these vulnerabilities.

Incomplete Offboarding Processes:

Former employees can maintain access to SaaS tools if offboarding processes are not thorough. This can create unauthorized access points, leading to potential legal, compliance, and data theft issues.

A Toxic Combination of Risks

Consider a scenario where an employee's credentials are compromised and found on the dark web. The employee hasn't enabled MFA, uses the same password across multiple applications, and has administrative privileges. This situation creates a toxic combination of risks:

  1. An identity with privileged access to sensitive data.
  2. Failure to follow company policy on setting up MFA and reusing passwords.
  3. A compromised account with risky credentials.

Such a combination can lead to devastating security breaches.

Strategies for Mitigating SaaS Security Risks

Identifying and Understanding Toxic Combinations of Risk:

Recognizing these combinations alerts the team to potential vulnerabilities, ensuring they are addressed promptly to prevent unauthorized access.

Continuous Monitoring of Employee Privileges:

Maintaining a complete and updated inventory of SaaS applications and their associated privileges for each employee is crucial. This ensures that only the right people have access to sensitive information.

Enhancing Visibility into SaaS Security Posture:

Organizations must have visibility into both enterprise and fringe SaaS applications to safely embrace their benefits. Monitoring associated user and app identities helps maintain a secure environment.

Prioritizing Proper Offboarding Procedures:

Automating the process of deprovisioning access to terminated user accounts reduces the risk of unauthorized access.

Proactive security measures are essential to protect against the inherent risks of SaaS applications. By understanding and addressing the toxic combinations of risk, organizations can safeguard their data and maintain robust security postures.


  1. What are the primary factors driving SaaS security risks?
    • The primary factors include identity and access management challenges, user behavior, business context, and the proliferation of unmanaged SaaS applications.
  2. How can compromised credentials lead to security breaches?
    • Compromised credentials can provide unauthorized access to sensitive data, especially if MFA is not enabled or if the same credentials are used across multiple applications.
  3. What are shadow identities?
    • Shadow identities are user accounts or credentials that are not known or managed by IT, posing significant security risks.
  4. Why is continuous monitoring of employee privileges important?
    • Continuous monitoring ensures that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  5. How can proper offboarding procedures enhance security?
    • Proper offboarding ensures that former employees no longer have access to company data and systems, preventing unauthorized access.
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