Best Practices

SaaS Sprawl in 2022: How to keep your software under control

The problem of SaaS sprawl is becoming more and more common as the number of cloud-based applications continues to grow. This can lead to a number of problems, including duplicate data, increased costs, and security risks.
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If your organization is like most, it's probably using more SaaS applications than ever before. And while the benefits of SaaS are well-documented, the downside is that these applications can introduce security risks that are often overlooked.

One of the biggest dangers of SaaS sprawl is that it can lead to the exposure of sensitive data. When organizations use multiple SaaS applications, it's often difficult to keep track of where sensitive data is stored and who has access to it. This can lead to data breaches when unauthorized individuals gain access to sensitive data that they shouldn't have access to.

Another danger of SaaS sprawl is that it can make it more difficult to manage security controls. When organizations have many different SaaS applications, it can be challenging to ensure that all of the applications are properly configured and that security controls are consistently applied across all of them. This can make it more difficult to prevent and detect security incidents.

Finally, SaaS sprawl can also make it more difficult to comply with regulations. Organizations that use multiple SaaS applications may have difficulty keeping track of which applications are subject to which regulations. This can lead to compliance problems and potential fines.

So what can organizations do to mitigate the risks of SaaS sprawl? First, they should carefully assess the security risks of each SaaS application before deploying it. They should also consider implementing a centralized management platform that can help them keep track of all of their SaaS applications and ensure that security controls are consistently applied. And finally, they should make sure that they have a clear understanding of which regulations apply to which SaaS applications.

There are a few ways that organizations can keep application sprawl under control, such as by defining what applications are allowed and setting limits on how many can be used, tracking which applications are being used and when they're being used, and making sure that only authorized users have access to applications. We'll dive into each one of those a bit deeper below.

Governance policies can help to keep application sprawl under control. By defining what applications are allowed and setting limits on how many can be used, organizations can keep a lid on the problem.

Application lifecycle management can also help. By tracking which applications are being used and when they're being used, organizations can better understand the scope of the problem. And by retiring unused applications, they can keep their data safe and secure.

Finally, identity and access management can help to combat application sprawl. By making sure that only authorized users have access to applications, organizations can reduce the risk of data leaks and unauthorized access.By implementing these measures, organizations can take control of their application sprawl problem and keep their data safe and secure.

Want to learn more about SaaS Security? Check out our piece on SaaS Security Posture Management or SSPM vs. CSPM to dive deeper.

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