Best Practices

SaaS security trends we're seeing in 2022

Many enterprises lack visibility into the security of their SaaS applications. This is a major concern, as it can make it difficult to detect and respond to attacks.
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As we close 2022, it's clear that the concerns around SaaS security are only growing. With more and more businesses moving to the cloud, the attack surface only continues to expand. And with the rise of sophisticated attacks, it's more important than ever for enterprises to take a proactive approach to security.

If your enterprise is using SaaS applications, it's important to be aware of these trends and take steps to address them. This includes being proactive about security when procuring new vendors and assessing old ones, as well as making sure that you have visibility into the security of your SaaS applications.

Here are three key trends that we're seeing in the world of SaaS security:

1. Increased attacks on SaaS applications: We're seeing a rise in attacks on SaaS applications, especially in the midmarket, as they are increasingly being targeted by cyber criminals. These attacks are often very sophisticated, and can be difficult to detect.

2. Lack of visibility into SaaS security: Many enterprises lack visibility into the security of their SaaS applications. This is a major concern, as it can make it difficult to detect and respond to attacks.

3. SaaS security is often an afterthought: For many companies, SaaS security is an afterthought. This is a dangerous mindset, as it can lead to serious security vulnerabilities.

One of the biggest concerns we hear from businesses is the fact that they no longer have control over the physical infrastructure of their applications. When you host your own applications, you can physically secure the servers and data center. But with SaaS, your data is stored in the cloud and you have to rely on the security measures of the service provider. Traditional defense in depth measures have to be reimagined for the new reality, and so does the tooling required to detect these risks.

Another concern is the sharing of data between different SaaS applications. When you use and integrate multiple SaaS applications, you are essentially giving each of them access to your data. This increases the risk of data breaches and makes it more difficult to track down the source of the breach. Current tooling like CASBs do not particularly handle these sorts of data sharing very well, as they are primarily focused on user interactions, not service-to-service interactions.

The best way to mitigate these concerns is to carefully vet your SaaS providers and make sure they have robust security measures in place. You should also consider implementing a single sign-on solution to limit the number of passwords that your employees have to remember. And, if possible, implement a security solution like ThreatKey to manage the finer details of SaaS security for you.

The Invisible Threat: The Lack of Visibility into SaaS Security

As the use of SaaS applications continues to grow in the enterprise, so too does the concern over their security. One major issue is the lack of visibility that many organizations have into the security of their SaaS applications. This lack of visibility can make it difficult to detect and respond to attacks, leaving businesses vulnerable to security breaches.

One of the reasons for this lack of visibility is the fact that SaaS applications are often managed by third-party providers. This means that the security of the application is not under the direct control of the enterprise. As a result, it can be difficult for the enterprise to have a complete understanding of the security measures that are in place.

Another reason for the lack of visibility is the fact that SaaS applications are accessed over the internet. This means that security threats can come from anywhere, making it difficult to identify and track them. Additionally, the use of SaaS applications often involves the sharing of sensitive data, such as customer information, over the internet. This can make it even more difficult to detect and respond to security threats.

So what can be done to address this issue? One solution is for enterprises to carefully evaluate the security measures of their SaaS providers. This can involve conducting thorough background checks and asking for detailed information about the provider's security practices. Additionally, enterprises can implement their own security measures, such as two-factor authentication and encrypting data, to ensure that sensitive information is protected.

Finally, enterprises should regularly monitor their SaaS applications for potential risks and vulnerabilities. By taking these steps, enterprises can ensure that their data is secure when using SaaS applications.

Want to learn more about SaaS Security? Check out our piece on SaaS Security Posture Management or SSPM vs. CSPM to dive deeper.

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