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Google Patches Fourth Chrome Zero-Day in May: CVE-2024-5274

Google patches fourth zero-day vulnerability in Chrome this month. Learn about CVE-2024-5274, its impact, and steps to protect your browser.
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TL;DR - Google has patched its fourth zero-day vulnerability in Chrome this month, identified as CVE-2024-5274. This type confusion flaw in the V8 JavaScript engine can lead to code execution. Users are urged to update their browsers immediately. Frequent zero-day discoveries in Chrome highlight the need for robust security measures and continuous updates.

Google has addressed yet another critical zero-day vulnerability in its Chrome browser, marking the fourth such patch this month and the eighth in 2024. The latest flaw, designated as CVE-2024-5274, underscores the persistent threats facing modern web browsers and the importance of rapid response in cybersecurity.

Details of the Vulnerability

CVE-2024-5274 is a type confusion bug found in Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, which executes JavaScript code. Type confusion vulnerabilities occur when a program allocates memory for one type of data but mistakenly interprets it as another type. This can lead to a variety of issues, including crashes, data corruption, and the execution of arbitrary code.

The vulnerability was reported on May 20, 2024, by Clément Lecigne of Google's Threat Analysis Group and Brendon Tiszka of Chrome Security. Google quickly released a patch, aware that an exploit for this vulnerability exists in the wild.

Recent Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Chrome

This month alone, Google has patched four zero-day vulnerabilities in Chrome:

Security experts like Callie Guenther from Critical Start have noted that the variety of vulnerabilities, such as type confusion and use-after-free issues, reflect the inherent complexities of modern browsers. These frequent discoveries indicate attackers may be focusing on specific components of Chrome's architecture.

Google's Response and Patch Deployment

Google's rapid response to these vulnerabilities demonstrates its robust security practices. The latest update, version 125.0.6422.112/.113 for Windows, Mac, and Linux, addresses the CVE-2024-5274 vulnerability. Users are urged to update their browsers immediately to mitigate the risk of exploitation.

John Bambenek of Bambenek Consulting emphasized the importance of immediate updates, as attackers have already developed remote code execution attacks for this flaw.

Recommendations for Users and Organizations

To protect against such vulnerabilities, users and organizations should:

  • Update Chrome Immediately: Ensure all systems are running the latest version.
  • Enable Automatic Updates: Configure Chrome to automatically install updates.
  • Implement Browser Isolation: Use browser isolation technologies to reduce the attack surface.
  • Monitor for Unauthorized Access: Stay vigilant for signs of exploitation and unauthorized access attempts.

Broader Implications

The frequent discovery of zero-day vulnerabilities in widely-used software like Chrome highlights the ongoing challenges in cybersecurity. Open-source projects, while benefiting from community contributions, also face risks from vulnerabilities introduced by any contributor. Continuous education on cybersecurity practices is crucial for users to stay protected.


The patching of CVE-2024-5274 is a reminder of the dynamic and persistent nature of cybersecurity threats. It is essential for users to promptly update their browsers and adopt proactive security measures to safeguard their digital environments.


What is CVE-2024-5274 and why is it significant?

CVE-2024-5274 is a type confusion vulnerability in Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine that can lead to code execution. It is significant because it has been actively exploited in the wild.

How does a type confusion vulnerability work?

A type confusion vulnerability occurs when a program allocates memory for one type of data but mistakenly interprets it as another type, potentially leading to crashes and arbitrary code execution.

What steps should users take to protect themselves?

Users should immediately update Chrome to the latest version, enable automatic updates, and consider using browser isolation technologies.

Why are zero-day vulnerabilities in Chrome particularly concerning?

Chrome's widespread use makes it a prime target for attackers, and zero-day vulnerabilities can impact millions of users globally.

How can organizations improve their security posture against such threats?

Organizations should implement robust vulnerability management processes, ensure timely updates, and educate users on best cybersecurity practices.

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