Best Practices

From Snowflake to an Avalanche: Uncovering the Depths of Recent Data Breaches

Discover the recent Snowflake data breaches impacting major companies and learn how to protect your organization with robust security measures.
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TL;DR - Recent data breaches linked to Snowflake have affected several high-profile companies. The primary issue was the lack of multi-factor authentication (MFA) on customer accounts. Organizations are advised to enforce MFA, reset credentials, and implement continuous monitoring to prevent similar incidents.

In recent weeks, the data security community has been buzzing with news of widespread data breaches linked to Snowflake, the popular cloud data company. The breaches have affected several high-profile companies, including Ticketmaster, LendingTree, and Santander Bank. As more information comes to light, it becomes clear that the fallout from these incidents is far-reaching and complex.

Understanding the Breach

The Incidents
  • Ticketmaster: First to publicly link its data breach to Snowflake.
  • LendingTree: Confirmed its subsidiary, QuoteWizard, had data stolen.
  • Santander Bank: Also implicated in the breaches.
  • Others: Additional companies are expected to come forward.
Timeline and Detection
  • May 23: Snowflake became aware of "threat activity."
  • Mid-April: Evidence of intrusions dating back to this period was found.
  • Ongoing Investigation: Mandiant has been assisting affected organizations for several weeks.

The Core Issues

Lack of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Snowflake’s customers were primarily affected due to not using MFA. The company’s stance has been that this incident was a targeted campaign against users with single-factor authentication, using credentials stolen from malware or previous breaches.

Exfiltration of Data

Cybercriminals were able to download large amounts of data from customers' environments that were not protected by MFA. Hundreds of Snowflake customer credentials were found online, stolen by password-stealing malware that infected employees' computers.

Snowflake’s Response

Snowflake has reiterated that there was no breach of its own systems and has advised customers to enforce MFA and reset credentials. However, there has been criticism regarding the lack of proactive measures from Snowflake, such as enforcing MFA by default or resetting customer passwords.

Implications and Challenges

Scale of Impact

Snowflake has over 9,800 customers, including major tech companies, telcos, and healthcare providers. The full extent of affected customers remains unclear, and Snowflake has declined to provide specific numbers.

Customer Trust and Security

The breaches highlight significant vulnerabilities in managed services. The lack of enforcement of security best practices, such as MFA, has exposed many organizations to substantial risk. This situation has raised concerns about the security models of cloud service providers.

Steps Forward

Immediate Actions for Organizations
  • Enforce MFA: All accounts should implement multi-factor authentication immediately.
  • Credential Rotation: Regularly reset and rotate passwords to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Network Policies: Establish rules to allow only authorized users or traffic from trusted locations.
Long-Term Measures
  • Behavioral Analysis: Use behavioral analysis to detect anomalies and potential impersonation attacks.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Implement continuous monitoring of all cloud services and infrastructure.
  • Incident Response Plans: Develop and regularly update incident response plans to address potential breaches swiftly.

The recent Snowflake data breaches serve as a critical wake-up call for organizations relying on cloud services. The importance of robust security measures, such as MFA and continuous monitoring, cannot be overstated. As the investigation continues, it is crucial for all organizations to reassess their security postures and ensure they are well-prepared to defend against similar threats.


1. What caused the recent Snowflake data breaches?
The breaches were primarily due to the lack of multi-factor authentication (MFA) on customer accounts, allowing cybercriminals to exploit stolen credentials.
2. How many companies were affected by the Snowflake breaches?
The exact number is unknown, but major companies like Ticketmaster, LendingTree, and Santander Bank have confirmed being affected.
3. What is Snowflake doing to address the breaches?
Snowflake has advised customers to enforce MFA and reset credentials but has not taken proactive steps like enforcing MFA by default.
4. Why is MFA important in preventing such breaches?
MFA adds an extra layer of security, making it significantly harder for attackers to gain unauthorized access using stolen credentials.
5. What should organizations do to protect themselves from similar breaches?
Organizations should enforce MFA, regularly reset passwords, establish network policies, and implement continuous monitoring and behavioral analysis to detect and respond to threats effectively.
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