Best Practices

Brief on White House IoT Cybersecurity Program

The White House is expected to release details of a new cybersecurity ratings program today modeled after the Energy Star program. Industry leaders and cybersecurity experts will be at the White House next week to resolve out the details.
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Today, the White House is expected to announce a new cybersecurity ratings program modeled after the Energy Star program.

This voluntary program will launch with 3-4 standards, and roughly 50 industry leaders and cybersecurity experts will be at the White House next week to resolve the finer details.

This is a welcome development, as it will help to raise awareness of cybersecurity risks and encourage businesses to take steps to protect themselves. The program is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to make a real difference in the way businesses approach cyber-security.

There are a few implications to keep in mind.

First, this program is voluntary, so businesses will need to decide whether or not they want to participate. Second, the standards that are set will likely evolve over time, so businesses will need to keep up with the latest changes.

Overall, this is a positive development for cybersecurity. It will help to raise awareness of the risks and encourage businesses to take steps to protect themselves.

It is not yet clear who will verify companies’ claims, but the hope is that this will create more transparency and accountability around cybersecurity practices. In the meantime, consumers should continue to be diligent in protecting themselves online and make sure to keep their devices and software up to date.

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