Salesforce: Security Best Practices Guide


This guide provides a comprehensive set of best practices for securing Salesforce, covering topics such as user authentication, data encryption, access controls, and threat detection and response, to help organizations safeguard their Salesforce data and prevent security breaches.


As a security engineer, securing your organization's Salesforce instance is crucial to protect sensitive data and ensure the privacy of customer information. This comprehensive guide will provide you with essential Salesforce security best practices, including user management, data protection, application security, and more.

1. User Management

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Implement RBAC in Salesforce to grant access based on user roles, such as sales representatives, managers, and administrators. Define roles and assign users to these roles, ensuring that access is granted based on the principle of least privilege.

Profiles and Permission Sets: Use profiles and permission sets to manage user access to objects, fields, and features within Salesforce. Regularly review and update profiles and permission sets to maintain access control and comply with your organization's security policies.

User Provisioning and De-provisioning:Streamline user management by integrating Salesforce with your identity provider for automated user provisioning and de-provisioning. This ensures that access is granted and revoked in a timely and controlled manner, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

2. Authentication and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Single Sign-On (SSO): Implement SSO to manage user authentication securely and simplify access management. Salesforce supports SAML-based SSO with popular identity providers such as Okta, Microsoft Azure AD, and Google Workspace.

Multi-Factor Authentication: Enforce MFA for all users in your organization to add an extra layer of security during authentication. Encourage users to use authenticator apps or security keys as their primary MFA factor.

Password Policies: Enforce strong password policies, including length, complexity, and expiration, to reduce the risk of compromised credentials. Encourage users to use password managers and avoid password reuse.

3. Data Protection

Field-Level Security: Implement field-level security to restrict access to sensitive data fields based on user roles or profiles. Regularly review and update field-level security settings to maintain data protection.

Data Encryption: Leverage Salesforce Shield Platform Encryption to encrypt sensitive data at rest. Ensure that encryption policies comply with your organization's data protection requirements.

Sharing Rules and Access Control: Configure sharing rules and organization-wide defaults to control access to records within Salesforce. Apply the principle of least privilege when defining sharing rules and access settings.

4. Application Security

API Security: Protect access to Salesforce APIs by utilizing OAuth 2.0 with limited scopes. Regularly review and revoke API tokens that are no longer required or have exceeded their intended lifespan.

AppExchange Security: Evaluate the security posture of third-party applications from the Salesforce AppExchange before installation. Choose apps from trusted vendors and ensure they have undergone a security review.

Custom Application Development: Follow secure development practices when creating custom applications in Salesforce. Utilize Salesforce's built-in security features, such as input validation and access control, to reduce the risk of vulnerabilities.

5. Monitoring and Audit Logging

Event Monitoring: Enable Salesforce Shield Event Monitoring to track user activities, system events, and changes to your Salesforce instance. Regularly review event logs to identify suspicious behavior, unauthorized access, or policy violations.

SIEM Integration: Integrate Salesforce with your organization's security information and event management (SIEM) system to monitor and analyze security events. Set up alerting and incident response processes to react promptly to potential security incidents.


Implementing the Salesforce security best practices mentioned in this guide will significantly enhance the security posture of your organization's Salesforce instance. Regularly review and update your security measures to adapt to the ever-evolving threat landscape and safeguard your valuable customer data.