Salesforce: Role-based access and permissions


By following this guide, you have implemented Role-based access and permissions in Salesforce, which will enable you to control access to your organization's sensitive data and functionality. It is important to review your settings and permissions regularly, to make sure they are still relevant to the needs of the business, and that the users have the right access and permissions to perform their job functions.

Create Profiles:

a. In Salesforce Setup, navigate to "Users" and select "Profiles"

b. Create new profiles for different user roles and assign appropriate permissions for each profile.

c. Make sure you assign the right permissions to the right profiles, giving only the required access and permissions to the users who need them to perform their job functions.

Create Permission Sets:

a. In Salesforce Setup, navigate to "Users" and select "Permission Sets"

b. Create new permission sets as needed to grant additional permissions to specific users

c. Assign the appropriate permissions to each permission set, such as access to a specific object or field level security.

d. Assign the Permission Sets to the users as necessary.

Assign Profiles and Permission Sets to Users:

a. In Salesforce Setup, navigate to "Users" and select "Manage Users"

b. Find the user for which you want to assign a profile or permission set

c. Edit the user record, and assign the appropriate profile or permission set.

Set Field-Level Security:

a. In Salesforce Setup, navigate to "Object Manager" and select the object for which you want to set field-level security.

b. Select "Fields" and click the field for which you want to set security.

c. Under "Field-Level Security," select the profiles that should have access to the field.

d. Repeat this process for all fields that require different access levels.

Set Sharing Rules:

a. In Salesforce Setup, navigate to "Data" and select "Sharing Settings"

b. Select the object for which you want to set sharing rules

c. Click on "New" to create a new sharing rule

d. Define the conditions, ownership and criteria for the sharing rule.

e. Assign the appropriate access level, either "Read" or "Read/Write" to the users or groups of users who should have access.

Test your Settings:

a. Log in to Salesforce with a user account that has been assigned a profile or permission set

b. Verify that the user has the correct access and permissions to perform their job functions.

c. Repeat this process for all profiles and permission sets to ensure that all users have the correct access and permissions.

By following this guide, you have implemented Role-based access and permissions in Salesforce, which will enable you to control access to your organization's sensitive data and functionality. It is important to review your settings and permissions regularly, to make sure they are still relevant to the needs of the business, and that the users have the right access and permissions to perform their job functions.