Okta: Enable Provisioning in Application Controls


Provisioning in application controls is an important part of a secure Okta instance.


Provisioning in application controls is an important part of a secure Okta instance. By enabling application provisioning, Okta administrators are able to manage users, roles, and access privileges through Okta’s central interface. This helps to maintain consistent security across the entire system, while also allowing for efficient user provisioning and deprovisioning. Additionally, application provisioning enables Okta to automatically synchronize user and access data with connected applications, reducing the burden of manual user management.

Technical Reference Guide

Step 1: Create an Okta application for provisioning.

In the Okta Admin Console, navigate to Applications > Add Application. Select the Provisioning tab and then select the appropriate application from the list.

Step 2: Configure the application’s provisioning settings.

In the Okta Admin Console, navigate to Applications > [Application Name]. Select the Provisioning tab and configure the application’s provisioning settings.

Step 3: Enable application provisioning.

In the Okta Admin Console, navigate to Applications > [Application Name]. Select the Provisioning tab and enable the application provisioning toggle.

Step 4: Define the application’s provisioning roles.

In the Okta Admin Console, navigate to Applications > [Application Name]. Select the Provisioning tab and define the application’s roles.

Step 5: Assign users to the application’s provisioning roles.

In the Okta Admin Console, navigate to Applications > [Application Name]. Select the Provisioning tab and assign users to the application’s roles.

Step 6: Configure and test the application’s provisioning policies.

In the Okta Admin Console, navigate to Applications > [Application Name]. Select the Provisioning tab and configure the application’s provisioning policies. Test the policies to ensure they are working as expected.

Step 7: Monitor the application’s provisioning activity.

In the Okta Admin Console, navigate to Applications > [Application Name]. Select the Provisioning tab and monitor the application’s provisioning activity.


  • Access to the Okta Admin Console
  • A valid Okta application for provisioning
  • Access to the application’s API (if applicable)