Looker: Backup and Disaster Recovery


This guide provides an in-depth look at Looker's backup and disaster recovery, emphasizing the significance of backups, disaster strategies, and best practices, crucial for administrators aiming for data protection and quick recovery.

Ensuring data integrity and availability, even in adverse situations, is a cornerstone of a robust Looker deployment. This guide provides insights into the backup practices and disaster recovery strategies for Looker.

1. The Significance of Backups and Disaster Recovery

1.1. Data Protection Protect against data loss from unforeseen events like server failures, data corruption, or human errors.

1.2. Business Continuity Ensure that business operations can resume quickly after any disruption.

2. Backup Strategies for Looker

2.1. Regular Snapshots Take periodic snapshots of the Looker instance. The frequency should be determined by how often your data or configurations change.

2.2. Database Backups If using a self-hosted database with Looker, ensure you also backup the database containing Looker's metadata.

2.3. LookML Model Backups Regularly export and backup your LookML models to safeguard against inadvertent changes or losses.

3. Choosing a Backup Storage Location

3.1. On-site Storage Use dedicated storage servers in your infrastructure. Ensure they are secure and accessible.

3.2. Cloud Storage Consider providers like AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Azure Blob Storage for redundant, scalable, and accessible storage.

3.3. Hybrid Approach Combine on-site and cloud storage to leverage the benefits of both.

4. Disaster Recovery Planning

4.1. Define RTO (Recovery Time Objective) Determine the acceptable time frame to restore services after a disaster.

4.2. Define RPO (Recovery Point Objective) Identify the maximum period in which data can be lost without causing significant harm.

4.3. Regular Drills Conduct regular disaster recovery drills to ensure the team knows the steps and to validate the plan's efficacy.

5. Restoration Procedures

5.1. Restoring from Snapshots Have clear documentation on restoring Looker from saved snapshots.

5.2. LookML Model Restoration Know the process to import LookML models back into Looker.

5.3. Database Restoration For Looker's metadata database, ensure you have steps documented for a complete restoration.

6. Advanced Disaster Recovery Strategies

6.1. Redundant Deployments Consider deploying Looker in multiple zones or regions for higher availability.

6.2. Failover Mechanisms Implement automated failover to secondary systems or locations if the primary Looker instance becomes unavailable.

7. Monitoring and Alerts

7.1. Monitor Backup Health Ensure backups are completed successfully and without errors.

7.2. Set Up Alerts Receive notifications for backup failures or when storage thresholds are reached.

8. Regularly Review and Update the Plan

8.1. Periodic Assessment As your Looker deployment grows and changes, so should your backup and disaster recovery strategies.

8.2. Stakeholder Communication Ensure all relevant stakeholders are informed about the current plan and any changes made.

Having a robust backup and disaster recovery plan for Looker is not just a best practice—it's a necessity. This guide outlines foundational steps to protect your data and ensure business continuity. While this serves as a primer, always consult Looker's official documentation and consider your organization's unique needs when crafting a comprehensive strategy.