Kubernetes: Secrets Management


This guide covers best practices for managing secrets in a Kubernetes environment, including secure storage, limited access, versioning, and minimizing risks.

Managing secrets in a Kubernetes environment is critical for maintaining the security of your applications and infrastructure. In this guide, we will cover best practices for managing secrets in Kubernetes, including recommendations for storing secrets securely, limiting access to secrets, and versioning secrets. We will also discuss the risks associated with exposing secrets to unnecessary components and provide recommendations for minimizing these risks.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Kubernetes Secrets
  2. Storing Secrets Securely
  3. Limiting Access to Secrets
  4. Versioning Secrets
  5. Risks and Recommendations

1. Introduction to Kubernetes Secrets

Kubernetes Secrets are objects that allow you to store sensitive information, such as passwords, tokens, or keys, in a secure and controlled manner. Secrets can be used by Kubernetes components and applications to access external resources or perform secure operations.

2. Storing Secrets Securely

2.1 Use Kubernetes Secrets

Using Kubernetes Secrets is a best practice when it comes to storing sensitive information such as passwords, access keys, and other confidential data in Kubernetes deployments.

Secrets in Kubernetes are objects that allow you to store sensitive information securely, such as passwords, API keys, and certificates, among others. Kubernetes Secrets use encryption to keep your sensitive data secure while at rest and in transit. Secrets can be mounted as files or used as environment variables within a pod, making them easily accessible to applications.

Kubernetes Secrets also offer additional security features such as automatic encryption and decryption of data, and the ability to revoke or delete secrets as needed. They are also integrated with Kubernetes RBAC (Role-Based Access Control), allowing you to control who has access to the secrets.

In contrast, ConfigMaps and environment variables are not specifically designed to handle sensitive information and may be more vulnerable to security threats. ConfigMaps are simple key-value pairs, and environment variables are easily accessible by anyone with access to the pod's environment.

Therefore, it is always a best practice to use Kubernetes Secrets to store sensitive data in your Kubernetes deployments, rather than plain ConfigMaps or environment variables.

2.2 Encrypt Secrets at Rest

Ensure that your Kubernetes cluster is configured to encrypt Secrets at rest. You can use the Kubernetes built-in encryption providers or a third-party Key Management Service (KMS). This will help prevent unauthorized access to the stored secrets.

To configure Kubernetes to encrypt Secrets at rest, you can follow these steps:

  1. Choose a Kubernetes encryption provider: Kubernetes offers two built-in encryption providers, which are aescbc and kms. aescbc uses AES encryption and requires a key to be generated and stored in the etcd datastore. kms uses a Key Management Service (KMS) to manage encryption keys. Alternatively, you can use a third-party KMS provider.
  2. Enable encryption for the Kubernetes cluster: You can enable encryption for the Kubernetes cluster by setting the encryption-provider-config flag in the kube-apiserver manifest. This flag should point to a configuration file that specifies the encryption provider and any other relevant parameters.
  3. Configure the encryption provider: If you are using the aescbc encryption provider, you will need to generate a key and store it in the etcd datastore. If you are using a KMS provider, you will need to configure the provider with your KMS service credentials.
  4. Verify encryption is enabled: You can verify that encryption is enabled by checking the Kubernetes API server logs or by using the kubectl get secrets command. If encryption is working correctly, you should see the secrets stored in an encrypted form.

2.3 Avoid Hardcoding Secrets

It is considered a best practice to avoid hardcoding secrets in application code, Dockerfiles, or Kubernetes manifests, as these files are often stored in version control systems or shared with others, which can make your sensitive information vulnerable to compromise.

Instead, it's recommended to use environment variables, Secrets, or ConfigMaps to provide the necessary information to your applications. These mechanisms can help ensure that your secrets are kept separate from your code and configuration files, and can be managed and updated independently.

Environment variables can be used to pass in runtime configuration to an application. For example, you can set an environment variable to hold a password, and the application can read this value at runtime.

Secrets are a Kubernetes resource that can be used to store and manage sensitive information, such as passwords, API keys, and certificates. Secrets are encrypted at rest and can be mounted as a file or environment variable in a container.

2.4 Use External Secrets Management Systems

Consider using external secrets management systems, such as HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager, to store and manage sensitive information. These systems can provide advanced features like dynamic secrets, access policies, and auditing capabilities.

Using external secrets management systems is a highly recommended approach to ensure the security and integrity of sensitive information in your organization. HashiCorp Vault and AWS Secrets Manager are two popular examples of such systems that offer robust features for storing and managing secrets.

One of the main benefits of using external secrets management systems is the ability to leverage dynamic secrets. This means that secrets can be generated on-demand and have a limited lifespan, providing an additional layer of security. This also eliminates the need to manually rotate secrets, reducing the risk of exposure due to human error.

Access policies are another key feature of these systems. They allow you to define granular permissions and roles for accessing secrets, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access sensitive information. This helps prevent unauthorized access, and provides an audit trail of who accessed what secrets and when.

Auditing capabilities are also important for ensuring compliance and identifying potential security breaches. Both Vault and AWS Secrets Manager provide detailed logs of secret access and modifications, enabling you to track and monitor activities.

3. Limiting Access to Secrets

3.1 Use RBAC to Control Access

Use Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to manage access to Secrets. Define roles and role bindings that grant the minimum required permissions to users, groups, and service accounts.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a popular and effective way to manage access to secrets within an organization. RBAC allows you to define roles and associated permissions, and then assign these roles to users, groups, or service accounts.

When implementing RBAC for secrets management, it is important to define roles that grant the minimum required permissions to users or service accounts. This ensures that only authorized individuals can access the secrets they need, while limiting exposure to other secrets.

For example, you might define a role called "Database Administrator" that has permissions to access the database credentials and nothing else. This role would then be assigned to only those individuals who require access to the database credentials for their job.

RBAC can also be used to define roles for different levels of access. For example, you might define a "read-only" role that can only view secrets, while a "read-write" role can view and modify secrets.

In addition to defining roles, RBAC also requires defining role bindings, which specify the mapping between roles and users or service accounts. It is important to carefully manage these bindings to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to secrets.

RBAC is a powerful tool for managing access to secrets, but it requires careful planning and management to ensure that it is implemented correctly. Regular audits of roles and role bindings are important to ensure that they are still necessary and appropriate.

3.2 Namespace Isolation

Organize your applications and Secrets into namespaces to isolate them from one another. This will help limit the scope of access to Secrets and reduce the potential impact of a security breach.

Organizing your applications and secrets into namespaces is a best practice for securing your infrastructure and reducing the risk of a security breach. A namespace is a logical grouping of resources, such as applications and secrets, within a Kubernetes cluster. By isolating resources in different namespaces, you can limit the scope of access to secrets and reduce the potential impact of a security breach.

For example, you might create a namespace for each team within your organization, and then assign the appropriate applications and secrets to each namespace. This ensures that each team only has access to the resources they need for their work, and that a breach in one namespace does not affect resources in other namespaces.

When creating namespaces, it is important to consider the access controls for each namespace. RBAC can be used to grant permissions to users, groups, or service accounts for specific namespaces. By limiting access to namespaces, you can ensure that only authorized users have access to secrets within a particular namespace.

Another benefit of namespaces is that they can help with resource management and organization. By grouping applications and secrets together in namespaces, it is easier to manage and troubleshoot resources, and to ensure that applications are deployed to the correct environment.

3.3 Use Service Accounts

Create dedicated service accounts for each application or component that requires access to Secrets. Avoid using the default service account, which may have more permissions than necessary. When granting access to secrets for your applications or components, it's important to create dedicated service accounts rather than relying on the default service account. The default service account typically has more permissions than necessary, which can increase the risk of a security breach.

By creating dedicated service accounts, you can limit the scope of permissions for each application or component, and ensure that they only have access to the secrets they require. This can help to reduce the potential impact of a security breach, as an attacker would only be able to access the secrets associated with a particular service account rather than all the secrets in your environment.

When creating a service account, it's important to carefully consider the permissions required by the associated application or component. RBAC can be used to grant granular permissions to the service account, ensuring that it only has access to the resources it needs.

In addition, service accounts should be managed carefully, with regular audits to ensure that they are still necessary and appropriate. Unused service accounts should be deleted promptly to reduce the potential attack surface of your environment.

4. Versioning Secrets

4.1 Create a Naming Convention

Establishing a naming convention for your secrets is an important step in managing your secrets securely and effectively. A good naming convention can help you identify the purpose of each secret and its version, making it easier to manage and track changes.

When creating a naming convention for your secrets, consider including information such as the application or component that the secret belongs to, the type of secret (such as a password or API key), and the version of the secret. For example, you might use a naming convention such as application-name-secret-type-version.

By including the version number in the naming convention, you can easily track changes to the secret and roll back to previous versions if needed. This can be particularly important in the event of a security breach or other incident.

In addition to establishing a naming convention, it's also important to manage your secrets carefully. This includes regularly auditing your secrets to ensure that they are still necessary and appropriate, and rotating your secrets on a regular basis to reduce the risk of exposure.

4.2 Use Annotations or Labels

Using annotations or labels to store metadata about your secrets is another best practice for managing your secrets securely and effectively. Annotations and labels are key-value pairs that can be attached to Kubernetes resources, including secrets.

By using annotations or labels to store metadata about your secrets, you can add additional information that is not included in the secret data itself. This can include information such as the creation date, version number, or responsible team. This metadata can be useful for tracking and auditing purposes, as well as for troubleshooting and debugging.

Annotations are generally used to provide non-identifying metadata about a resource, while labels are used to provide identifying metadata. For example, you might use an annotation to store the creation date and version number of a secret, and a label to indicate the team responsible for the secret.

When using annotations and labels, it's important to define a consistent naming convention to ensure that the metadata is easy to read and understand. It's also important to regularly audit the metadata to ensure that it is still accurate and up-to-date.

4.3 Rotate Secrets Regularly

Regularly rotating your secrets is a critical best practice for managing your secrets securely and effectively. This includes secrets used for authentication or encryption, as these are often the most sensitive and valuable secrets in your environment.

Secrets should be rotated on a regular basis, typically every 90 days or less. This helps to reduce the likelihood of unauthorized access due to compromised credentials, as well as to comply with security regulations and best practices.

When rotating your secrets, it's important to follow a well-defined process to ensure that the rotation is performed securely and without disruption to your environment. This process should include steps such as generating new secrets, updating the application or component that uses the secrets, and verifying that the new secrets are working correctly.

In addition to regular rotation, it's also important to manage your secrets carefully throughout their lifecycle. This includes storing secrets securely, monitoring access to secrets, and deleting or revoking secrets when they are no longer needed.

5. Risks and Recommendations

5.1 Limit Exposure

Exposing secrets only to the components that require them is another important best practice for managing your secrets securely and effectively. This helps to reduce the risk of unauthorized access and exposure of sensitive information.

One common way to expose secrets to components is by mounting them as volumes or passing them as environment variables. While these methods can be convenient, they can also expose secrets to unnecessary components, increasing the potential attack surface of your environment.

To reduce the risk of unauthorized access and exposure, you should only expose secrets to the components that require them. This can be achieved by using RBAC to grant permissions to specific components or service accounts, and by carefully managing secrets throughout their lifecycle.

For example, you might create a dedicated service account for a particular application, and grant that service account permissions to access the secrets it requires. You can then mount those secrets as volumes or pass them as environment variables only to the containers associated with that service account.

In addition to limiting exposure of secrets, this approach also makes it easier to manage and troubleshoot your environment. By separating components and their associated secrets, you can isolate issues and reduce the potential impact of a security breach.

5.2 Monitor and Audit

Monitoring your Kubernetes cluster for unauthorized access or suspicious activity is a critical best practice for managing your secrets and overall security posture. This helps to detect and respond to security incidents before they can cause significant damage.

One important tool for monitoring your Kubernetes cluster is Kubernetes audit logging. This feature provides a detailed log of all changes to Kubernetes resources, including secrets. By enabling audit logging, you can track changes to secrets and other resources, and identify suspicious activity that could indicate a security incident.

To enable audit logging, you can configure the Kubernetes API server to send audit events to a log file or external system. You can then use tools like Elasticsearch, Kibana, or Splunk to search and analyze the audit logs.

In addition to audit logging, you should also monitor your Kubernetes cluster for unauthorized access or suspicious activity. This can be achieved by using tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or the Kubernetes Dashboard to monitor system metrics and logs.

By monitoring your Kubernetes cluster for unauthorized access or suspicious activity, you can detect and respond to security incidents more quickly, reducing the potential impact of a breach.

5.3 Security Policies

Implementing security policies and best practices for your organization is a critical step in managing your secrets and overall security posture. These policies and practices define the procedures and guidelines for handling sensitive information, and help ensure that your organization is complying with security regulations and best practices.

When creating security policies and best practices, it's important to consider factors such as the sensitivity of your information, the risks to your organization, and the compliance requirements for your industry or region. Some common security policies and best practices include:

  • Password policies: Define the requirements for creating and managing passwords, such as length, complexity, and expiration.
  • Access control policies: Define the procedures for granting and revoking access to sensitive information, and for managing permissions and roles.
  • Encryption policies: Define the requirements for encrypting sensitive information, both at rest and in transit.
  • Incident response policies: Define the procedures for responding to security incidents, including reporting, investigation, and remediation.
  • Security awareness training: Provide training and resources to employees on how to recognize and respond to security threats.

It's important to regularly review and update your security policies and best practices to ensure that they are still effective and up-to-date. This includes reviewing new security threats and vulnerabilities, and updating policies and practices to address them.

Overall, implementing security policies and best practices is a critical step in managing your secrets and overall security posture. By defining procedures and guidelines for handling sensitive information, and regularly reviewing and updating them, you can ensure that your organization is complying with security regulations and best practices, and reducing the risk of a security breach.

5.4 Incident Response Plan

Developing an incident response plan is a critical best practice for managing your secrets and overall security posture. An incident response plan defines the procedures and guidelines for responding to security breaches or other incidents involving secrets, and helps ensure that your organization is prepared to handle such incidents.

When developing an incident response plan, it's important to consider factors such as the types of incidents that could occur, the severity of the incidents, and the roles and responsibilities of relevant stakeholders. Some common steps in an incident response plan include:

  • Identification: Identify and confirm the security breach or incident, and assess the severity and scope of the incident.
  • Containment: Contain the incident to prevent further damage or exposure, such as by revoking access to compromised secrets.
  • Investigation: Investigate the incident to determine the cause and scope of the breach, and to identify any affected resources or systems.
  • Remediation: Take steps to remediate the incident, such as by updating security policies, rotating secrets, or patching vulnerabilities.
  • Notification: Notify relevant stakeholders, such as customers, partners, or regulatory agencies, of the incident and the steps taken to remediate it.

It's important to regularly review and update your incident response plan to ensure that it is still effective and up-to-date. This includes testing the plan through simulations or mock incidents, and incorporating feedback from stakeholders and employees.

5.5 Regularly Review Access Permissions

Regularly reviewing access permissions is an important best practice for managing your secrets and overall security posture. This involves periodically checking the access permissions of users, groups, and service accounts to ensure that they are still necessary and appropriate.

By regularly reviewing access permissions, you can identify and remove any unnecessary permissions or access to secrets, reducing the potential attack surface of your environment. This can also help ensure compliance with security regulations and best practices.

When reviewing access permissions, it's important to consider factors such as the sensitivity of the information, the role and responsibilities of the user, group, or service account, and the principle of least privilege. The principle of least privilege states that each user, group, or service account should only have the minimum permissions necessary to perform their assigned tasks.

RBAC can be used to manage access permissions, and should be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that permissions are still necessary and appropriate. It's also important to regularly audit access permissions to ensure that they are being used appropriately, and to remove any unused or unnecessary permissions.

5.6 Use Network Policies

Using Kubernetes Network Policies is another important best practice for managing your secrets and overall security posture. Network Policies allow you to define rules that control traffic between pods in your Kubernetes cluster, and enforce network segmentation.

By using Network Policies, you can limit the communication between components in your environment, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to secrets. For example, you might define a Network Policy that allows traffic only between specific pods or namespaces, or that blocks traffic from certain IP addresses or ports.

Network Policies can also be used to enforce security policies, such as requiring encryption for traffic between pods or enforcing access control policies.

When defining Network Policies, it's important to consider the requirements of your environment and the sensitivity of your information. You should also regularly review and update your Network Policies to ensure that they are still effective and up-to-date.

5.7 Use Mutating Admission Webhooks

Consider using Mutating Admission Webhooks as another best practice for managing your secrets securely and effectively. Mutating Admission Webhooks are a Kubernetes feature that allows you to modify objects at runtime, including injecting secrets into your applications.

By using Mutating Admission Webhooks, you can automatically inject secrets into your applications at runtime, ensuring that only the necessary secrets are exposed to each component. This can help reduce the risk of accidentally exposing sensitive information, and make it easier to manage your environment by automating the process of injecting secrets into your applications.

To use Mutating Admission Webhooks, you will need to create a webhook server that can receive requests from the Kubernetes API server, inspect the objects being created or updated, and modify them as needed. You can then define rules that specify which objects should be modified and how they should be modified, such as injecting secrets into specific containers or adding annotations or labels to objects.

When using Mutating Admission Webhooks, it's important to ensure that the webhook server is secure and properly configured to handle requests from the Kubernetes API server. It's also important to regularly test and monitor the webhook server to ensure that it is functioning correctly and not introducing any security vulnerabilities.

5.8 Perform Security Scans

Regularly scanning your container images and Kubernetes manifests for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations is another important best practice for managing your secrets and overall security posture. This helps to identify potential security risks before they can be exploited by attackers.

There are several tools available for scanning container images and Kubernetes manifests, such as Trivy, Clair, and Kube-bench. These tools can identify vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and other potential security risks, and provide guidance on how to remediate them.

Trivy is a vulnerability scanner for container images that can be used to identify known vulnerabilities in your container images. Clair is another popular tool for container image vulnerability scanning. It can identify vulnerabilities by comparing the contents of container images to known vulnerabilities in a database.

Kube-bench is a tool for checking Kubernetes configurations against best practices and industry standards. It can identify misconfigurations that could be exploited by attackers, such as insecure network policies or excessive permissions.

By regularly scanning your container images and Kubernetes manifests, you can identify potential security risks and take steps to remediate them before they can be exploited by attackers. This helps to ensure that your environment is more secure and less vulnerable to attack.

5.9 Keep Software Up-to-Date

Stay up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates for your Kubernetes cluster, applications, and dependencies. This will help protect against known vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of security breaches.

By implementing these best practices and recommendations, you can strengthen the security of your Kubernetes environment and ensure that your secrets are managed effectively. This will not only help safeguard sensitive information but also contribute to the overall stability and reliability of your applications and infrastructure.