Google Cloud Platform: Configuring access controls for your GCP resources

Google Cloud Platform

Configuring access controls is a critical aspect of security in GCP. This technical reference guide will provide you with a step-by-step process for configuring access controls is a critical aspect of security in GCP.

Configuring access controls is a critical aspect of security in GCP. This technical reference guide will provide you with a step-by-step process for configuring access controls is a critical aspect of security in GCP. 

1. Setting access controls for Google Cloud Storage:

  • To set access controls for Google Cloud Storage in GCP, navigate to the Cloud Storage dashboard in the GCP Console.
  • Choose the bucket you want to set access controls for.
  • Click the Permissions tab.
  • Use the permissions management interface to add or remove users and set their permissions for the bucket.

2. Setting access controls for Google Compute Engine:

  • To set access controls for Google Compute Engine in GCP, navigate to the Compute Engine dashboard in the GCP Console.
  • Choose the instance you want to set access controls for.
  • Click the Edit button.
  • In the Identity and API access section, use the access control interface to set the access controls for the instance.

3. Setting access controls for Google App Engine:

  • To set access controls for Google App Engine in GCP, navigate to the App Engine dashboard in the GCP Console.
  • Choose the app you want to set access controls for.
  • Click the Permissions tab.
  • Use the permissions management interface to add or remove users and set their permissions for the app.

By following these steps, you can configure access controls for your GCP resources to ensure that only authorized users have access to them.