GitHub: User Activity Tracking via Repo & Org Auditing


Setting up auditing is a useful way to track user activity in your repositories and organization in GitHub. This technical reference guide will provide you with a step-by-step process for setting up repository and organization-level auditing to track user activity.

Setting up auditing is a useful way to track user activity in your repositories and organization in GitHub. This technical reference guide will provide you with a step-by-step process for setting up repository and organization-level auditing to track user activity.

1. Setting up repository-level auditing:

  • To set up repository-level auditing in GitHub, navigate to the organization which contain the repository you want to set up auditing for.
  • In the top right corner of the page, choose Settings.
  • In the left sidebar, choose Archive.
  • Use the repository-level auditing interface to enable auditing and specify the events you want to track.
  • Use the repo qualifier to limit actions to a specific repository. For example: repo:tk-org/the-repo finds all events that occurred for the the-repo repository in the tk-org organization.

2. Setting up organization-level auditing:

  • To set up organization-level auditing in GitHub, sign in to your GitHub account and navigate to the organization you want to set up auditing for.
  • In the top right corner of the page, choose Settings.
  • In the left sidebar, choose Archive.
  • Use the organization-level auditing interface to enable auditing and specify the events you want to track.

3. Viewing audit logs:

  • To view audit logs in GitHub, navigate to the repository or organization you want to view audit logs for.
  • In the top right corner of the page, choose Settings.
  • In the left sidebar, choose Archive.
  • Use the audit log interface to view the logged events.

By following these steps, you can set up and view auditing logs in your repositories and organization in GitHub to track user activity and maintain the security of your organization.