Partner Guides

Maximizing Profits with A VAR Guide

The world is becoming increasingly reliant on cloud computing to store data and run applications. As a result, the importance of cloud security has never been greater. While many organizations are moving to the cloud to reduce costs and improve flexibility, they are also exposing themselves to new risks. As a VAR, it's your job to help your clients understand these risks and offer solutions that can mitigate them. This is where ThreatKey's Cloud Security Platform comes in.

Understanding ThreatKey's Cloud Security Platform

ThreatKey's Cloud Security Platform is a comprehensive cloud security solution that provides protection for all aspects of cloud computing. It's designed to help organizations manage their cloud security posture by providing visibility into their cloud environments, identifying potential security risks, and mitigating those risks in real-time.

The platform includes a range of security features, including:

  • Cloud security posture management
  • Cloud data security
  • Cloud access security
  • Cloud application security

Each of these features provides a layer of protection that helps organizations secure their cloud environments. For example, cloud workload protection helps protect workloads running in the cloud by identifying vulnerabilities and ensuring that only authorized software is installed. Cloud security posture management provides a centralized view of an organization's cloud security posture, making it easier to identify areas that need improvement.

Using ThreatKey's Cloud Security Platform to Increase Profit Margins

Now that you understand what ThreatKey's Cloud Security Platform does, let's explore how you can use it to increase your profit margins. There are several ways to do this, including:

Sell More to Existing Clients

One of the easiest ways to increase your profit margins is by selling more to existing clients. If you have clients who are already using ThreatKey's Cloud Security Platform, you can offer them additional services such as managed security services, penetration testing, or security consulting. These services can be sold at a premium, providing you with a higher profit margin.

Offer a Comprehensive Security Solution

Another way to increase your profit margins is by offering a comprehensive security solution that includes ThreatKey's Cloud Security Platform. By bundling ThreatKey's Cloud Security Platform with other security solutions, you can create a comprehensive security package that meets all of your clients' needs. This allows you to charge a premium for the package, increasing your profit margins.

Expand Your Client Base

Expanding your client base is another way to increase your profit margins. By targeting organizations that are not currently using ThreatKey's Cloud Security Platform, you can offer them a solution that will help them secure their cloud environments. This not only helps the new client but also provides you with a new source of revenue, increasing your profit margins.

Help your clients maximize their IT investments while increasing your own profit margins.

Use ThreatKey's Cloud Security Platform to Increase Operational Efficiency

ThreatKey's Cloud Security Platform is designed to help organizations manage their cloud security posture more efficiently. By using the platform yourself, you can increase your own operational efficiency, reducing the time and resources required to manage cloud security for your clients. This not only improves your profitability but also allows you to offer more competitive pricing to your clients.

Leverage ThreatKey's Expertise

Finally, you can leverage ThreatKey's expertise to increase your profitability. ThreatKey has a team of experts who can provide you with training and support to help you sell and implement ThreatKey's Cloud Security Platform. By leveraging this expertise, you can improve your own knowledge of cloud security, which will enable you to better serve your clients. This can help you win more business and increase your profit margins.

Final Thoughts 

ThreatKey's Cloud Security Platform is a comprehensive cloud security solution that can help you increase your profit margins as a VAR. By offering this solution to your clients, you can sell more to existing clients, offer a comprehensive security solution, expand your client base, increase operational efficiency, and leverage ThreatKey's expertise. With ThreatKey's Cloud Security Platform, you can help your clients secure their cloud environments while increasing your own profitability.